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Pacific Career and Technology High School

Home of the Dolphins

Pacific Career and Technology High School

Home of the Dolphins



Students are expected to be at school, on time, every day. Regular school attendance is key to student success and it is closely monitored.

  • Parents/guardians must call or visit Yvette Sanders at the school’s attendance desk (Located in the Main Office), 566-2715 23357, to report each absence and give the reason for the absence.
  • To speak to someone directly for early dismissals, enter option 0*  *Parent/Guardian picking up the student for early dismissal must show proper ID.
  • When the school does not receive a call and/or a note regarding an absence within 5 days, the absence is marked “no parent response” and is considered unexcused.

Pacific High School within Twin Rivers Unified School District adheres to California’s compulsory education laws. EC Section 48260 (a): Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education or compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or the superintendent of the school district.

TRUANCY LETTERS are generated based on the following:

1st Notification of Truancy = 3 unexcused absences/tardies 30 minutes or more.

2nd Notification of Truancy = 5 unexcused absences/tardies 30 minutes or more.

3rd Notification of Truancy = 6 unexcused absences/tardies 30 minutes or more. At this time a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting will be held.

Tardies= Students arriving to any class 30 minutes or more, after the start of the period are considered Tardy. Letters are sent to parents/guardians whose students accumulate 3 or more unexcused tardy or absence infractions.

Late= Students arriving to any class between 1 and 29 minutes after the start of each period are considered Late. Letters will be sent home to parents/guardians whose students accumulate 5 or more late occurrences.

Accumulation of 5 and 10 excused absences or tardies in a given year generates an Excessive Absence letter. Medical verification is then required for any future absences or tardies to be marked excused after 10 infractions. A School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting may also be held upon 10 excused absences and tardies.