My name is Mrs. Dawson and I have had the pleasure of working as Pacific Career & Technology High School Counselor for 6 years. I absolutely LOVE my job and am so grateful for Pacific HS dynamic staff, administrators, and most importantly, you Amazing students and families! When I first started working at Pacific I used to hear that it had a "family" feel and I didn't get it until I did. PHS is unique in that is truly is like a "family" and is a very special place to teach and learn.
I am excited for this 2020-2021 school year and looking forward to connecting with you J. I know school is a lot different than we are used to, but we at PHS are here to help support you and are hoping to be back in school physically soon. My role as a school counselor varies and I am solely here to help you succeed in school academically, socially and emotionally. Throughout the school year, I will be providing individual and group counseling, classroom presentations on 4 year academic planning, A-G power points, virtual college presentations, just to name a few. I have attached a Student Self-Referral for individual counseling and a Virtual School Counseling Parent Consent Form. Please reach out if you have any questions, need to talk or just want someone to listen, I am here for you.
Take Care,
Mrs. Dawson
My Contact Information or call/text (916) 573-0246
Zoom Every Tuesday @ 1 for Everyone:
Meeting ID: 965 3536 7163
Passcode: 1234
Passcode: 1234
Student Self- Referral STUDENT SELF-REFERRAL
Welcome Pacific High School Students & Families
Welcome Pacific High School Students & Families
Welcome Pacific High School Students & Families